COVID-19 Information

We’re proud to have kept the MMEC open throughout the COVID-19 crisis, finding ways to safely continue our work: providing durable medical equipment to Puget Sound-area residents regardless of their ability to pay.  

Safety precautions 

To protect the health and safety of our staff and other visitors, we ask that anyone entering the MMEC please follow the following precautions: 

  • Wear a mask or other face-covering at all times.  
  • Maintain a distance of at least six feet from staff members and other visitors.  
  • When arriving, use the hand sanitizer available at the entrance and leave it on your hands for at least twenty seconds. 
  • To minimize the amount of time spent in the center, please download and fill out the [LINK] Equipment Acceptance form.  
  • Refrain from offering handshakes or hugs. 
  • Please do not visit the center if you have a cough, cold, allergy symptoms, sneezing, or sore throat.  
  • If returning equipment that has been in contact with someone exhibiting any of the symptoms listed in #1, please wait ten days after last contact with that person before bringing it to the center. 

As always, every piece of equipment will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before leaving the MMEC. Thank you for your willingness to protect the safety of our community.  

Delivery and parking lot pick up 

Many of the people we serve at the MMEC fall into a high-risk category and may be concerned about entering our facility to obtain equipment. To continue serving these people, we’ve expanded our delivery service and begun offering parking lot pickup.  

To arrange parking lot pick up or delivery, please call 425-628-1751 or email us at to place your order and schedule an appointment.  

The MMEC delivers equipment on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please note that this service is in high demand and that the soonest possible delivery date may be several weeks in the future. Please see our Get Equipment page for more information on delivery.  

How we clean our equipment 

Every piece of equipment that enters our warehouse is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being made available to visitors. We use a HUBSCRUB, a machine used in hospitals and nursing home to sterilize equipment between users, to clean small- to medium-sized items that don’t have electrical components. Equipment that cannot go into the HUBSCRUB are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by hand.