August Volunteer Spotlight – Lizzy Costanza

August 1, 2022 4:07 pm Published by

Lizzy has been a long-time faithful and enthusiastic volunteer for the Spiritual Connections Ministry at Bridge. She is best known for this phrase, “How can I help you?” Because at every event, that is what she desires to do most for all who attend. Many know Lizzy for her beautiful smile, but we want to share a little more about this lovely woman who does not let a chair stop her from anything she sets her mind too.

Lizzy was born in Canada but grew up in Las Vegas. She is one of 5 children and is the oldest sibling. Lizzy came to Washington State over 20 years ago and this is where she met the love of her life, Dan.

Lizzy shares that they met while living in the same apartment complex and found that they enjoyed doing many of the same things together like going on outdoor trails and hanging out at the mall. Both Lizzy and Dan are challenged with cerebral palsy, but they have enjoyed volunteering together for Bridge at our Sunday Evening Celebrations and on our Spiritual Connections Vision Team.

Lizzy has a wonderful accomplishment as well in that she has completed business school and desires to become a peer counselor one day.

Former Spiritual Connections Director, Bill Munson, shares this about his friendship with Lizzy:

“It was at the September 2017 SEC at Calvin Pres that I first encountered Lizzy.  And it’s been a whirlwind keeping up with her ever since!  Bridge has benefited in spreading the word about its ministry thru Lizzy, mainly because she is a type A extrovert with an insatiable desire to be active. And to Lizzy that means talking to people.  Whether thru her job, classes she enrolled in, or meetings with friends, Lizzy has been a foremost promoter of the ministry.

She is one fearless woman who is not afraid of going anywhere or trying anything. Even Covid could not keep her at home but instead, her frequent questions were “when are we going to be able to start up the SEC dinners again?” or “when will there be mid-week Bible studies again?”  Lizzy loves to innovate, initiating projects where she can override her limitations.  For example, she enlisted others in an encouraging card-sending activity.

And above it all Lizzy’s faith is on the forefront – just listen to her cell phone message – wishing God’s blessings on anyone who calls.  And maybe that faith is what gives her such an optimistic and fearless go-anywhere, do-anything attitude.  We love you Lizzy!”

We think that just about says it all regarding this dynamic Spiritual Connections volunteer!  And if you should ever have the opportunity to meet this loving and kind woman, expect her to ask you if she can help you because that is what means the most to Lizzy. 

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