Larry Turned 100!

April 27, 2021 1:47 pm Published by

Commitment means so much in the world of charitable work and Dr. Larry Turnbull and his wife Jane were committed Bridge volunteers for so many years. We shine a light on him today.

This year, he turned 100!

100-year-old man

Larry has had quite a distinguished career. A retired anesthesiologist with a sub-specialty in pediatrics as well as a professor of medicine at the UW. Quite busy at the time, 35 years ago, and yet, he and his wife made time to volunteer for Bridge.

Larry tells us the story of how he met Reverend Henk Wapstra, founder of Bridge Disability Ministries.

“I first heard about Rev. Henk Wapstra’s personal efforts to serve handicapped people when he was recovering from his own physical, and perhaps burn-out, problems.

He was working on it in an office he had rigged up in the basement of their house in Kirkland and had the good assistance of at least one of his former parishioners. I went to meet him there to see if I could be of any help but I didn’t think at that time I could.” The organization grew and after a few years, Bridge secured an office. Larry and Jane volunteered to do part-time office work. They think back fondly of those memories.

“Bridge has been one of our favorite charities,” Larry says. His eyes twinkle as he reminisces over all the volunteers they met and the friends who volunteered at Bridge with them. He still remembers all their names. Such memory! And such commitment to a cause.

Happy Birthday Larry! You’ve attained a century’s worth of memories and continue to be an important part of Bridge’s colorful history. Your help makes Bridge what it is today. We are grateful.

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