The Priceless Gift of Independence

January 26, 2017 8:19 pm Published by

Rebuilding a life by overcoming addiction is incredibly hard. It is even more difficult while trying to rehab from a rare medical condition, such as SAPHO Syndrome, and fighting bone and tissue infections that make every movement painful. A man aged 45 came to us with his case worker in need of a power wheelchair to help him move from place to place in his apartment without the crippling pain in his joints, bones and tissue preventing him from doing so.

Trips outside his home to meet his daily needs were impossible without someone to take him such as trips to doctors, grocery outlets, the pharmacy and his daily trips to his drug rehab program. With a power wheelchair from Bridge Ministries’ Medical Equipment Center he can now make these trips on his own, increasing his chances for success in rehab and greatly improving his quality of life.

When his caseworker saw we had a chair for him, it freed up her time which allowed her to assist other clients. And he was able to leave on his own in his “new” power wheelchair. He was smiling as he left on a beautiful summer day, headed to the bus stop for his unattended trip home and very thankful for the medical equipment he received that would increase his independence and chances for success.

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