There is Always Hope

April 5, 2019 3:07 pm Published by

This story about a beautiful young woman named Zoe reminds us that no matter what we may face, there is always hope!

Zoe is a beautiful and bright young lady who was diagnosed with a brain stem tumor at the age of 13. She’s undergone several brain surgeries since being diagnosed which has left her in need of multiple forms of durable medical equipment. One of the therapists at Seattle Children’s Hospital informed me about Bridge Ministries. Initially, Zoe was in a coma and needed items that Bridge Ministries provided like side rail pads, a bed alarm, and positioning pillows. After a month, Zoe slowly started waking up but was mute and extremely weak. Over the next several months we utilized equipment provided by Bridge Ministries to help strengthen her. We received a set of parallel bars, a platform walker, a reverse walker, grab bars for the bathroom and hallways, shower chairs, seat cushions, and upper body restorator, and multiple other functional equipment. As Zoe got better through the years, I have returned much of the equipment we initially received and have utilized more independent assistive devices like a rolling walker, wheelchair, and a workout mat that she uses to do yoga and for exercise each day. I cannot thank the individuals at Bridge Ministries enough for their love, prayers, and passion to help those with disabilities reach their highest potential. I don’t know where we would be without Bridge Ministries. We love each of you and praise God for the work that He’s doing in you to help others like Zoe! (Adam, Joy, Gabie, Zoe)

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